2024 CCTM Board Elections
Voting for the 2024 CCTM Elections begins soon! Be sure your membership is up to date so you can participate in this year's vote! Members will be sent an electronic ballot from Election Buddy on May 4 and the window for electronic voting will remain open through May 14.
Andrew Busch
Teacher, Ralston Valley High School Jefferson County Public Schools 2024 CCTM Region 2 Representative Candidate
I’m excited to continue working with the great people on the CCTM Board. I want to continue helping Colorado educators learn from and encourage each other. It’s something CCTM does very well. I’ve taught math for 20+ years at the middle school and high school levels. I live in Arvada and teach at Ralston Valley High School (Jeffco). I enjoy connecting with people and learning new ideas wherever I can find them: conferences, online, and, yes, even professional development. I enjoy working on teams to incorporate our newfound learning into our current structures. I believe we are better together. Always.
Lisa Rogers
Student Achievement Coordinator Fountain-Fort Carson District 8 2024 CCTM Vice President Candidate
Being an educator is not for the faint of heart, and I believe that connecting with professional organizations is one of the best ways for educators to feel supported, valued, and empowered in their profession. Mathematics instruction is my passion, and my heart is for math teachers to feel equipped to do their incredible work. I am grateful for all of the ways CCTM supports teachers with promoting rich mathematical thinking in their classrooms. As a longtime member of CCTM, I have seen the impact this professional organization has had on my own growth and learning. My goal is to serve and contribute to CCTM because of this impact, and I hope to support mathematics educators throughout Colorado as CCTM Vice President. I am honored to be running for this position, and thank you for considering me for the CCTM board.
Kim Smith
Math Specialist Mesa County Valley SD 51 2024 CCTM President-Elect Candidate
Educators have been on quite a journey the past few years. During this time my professional efforts have pushed my thinking toward strategies to support students and teachers in continuing to thrive, despite the numerous challenges they face. As a long standing member and current Vice President of CCTM, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate, learn from, and serve math educators across the state and beyond. I am inspired and humbled by the work of my colleagues and proud of the efforts and accomplishments of the CCTM board in the midst of the ever changing landscape of math education. While our outreach and support is recognized by many, I know there is much more to do. I would be honored to serve as President Elect of the Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics in order to continue this important work in math education and serve math educators in Colorado.
Manpreet Sandhu

Senior Team Lead/Mathematics Teacher Abraham Lincoln High School/Denver Public Schools 2024 Secretary Candidate
As a CCTM board candidate, my aspiration is grounded in a profound belief in the transformative power of mathematics and its pivotal role in shaping critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and fostering innovation for all our students in this age of technology.. I believe in the importance of quality education. Math is so much more than a subject. It is a language, a tool, and a fundamental aspect of our daily lives. By serving on the board, I aim to advocate for comprehensive, accessible, and inclusive math education that empowers students from all backgrounds to excel. Furthermore, I am deeply passionate about fostering a positive learning environment. Mathematics can be intimidating for many students, leading to disengagement and a lack of confidence. Through collaborative efforts with fellow educators, administrators, and stakeholders, I intend to promote teaching methodologies that nurture curiosity, creativity, and a growth mindset among students. Moreover, I recognize the need for continuous improvement and adaptation in education. The field of mathematics is constantly evolving, and our educational approaches must evolve accordingly. By leveraging my experience, expertise, and enthusiasm, I am committed to facilitating ongoing professional development opportunities for teachers, implementing evidence-based practices, and integrating innovative technologies to enhance math instruction. In conclusion, my candidacy for the board of teachers in math is driven by a genuine desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students and educators alike. Through collaborative leadership, advocacy, and a steadfast commitment to excellence, I am dedicated to advancing the field of mathematical education and ensuring that every student has the opportunity to excel in math and beyond.