2020-2021 Taking Action Book Study

On August 5th, 2020, CCTM will kick off a year of professional learning with a virtual keynote by Robert Berry, Past President of NCTM. Robert’s talk, Equitable Mathematics, Social Justice, and Actions will support Colorado math teachers launching into a new school year filled with challenges and unknowns. As continued support into the 2020-21 school year, we offer a monthly book study of NCTM’s Taking Action series, providing the opportunity for educators to meet regularly for learning, discussion, and collaboration. The year of professional learning will wrap up with CCTM’s annual conference, planned for June 2021 (specific date and location TBD).

To accommodate as many educators as possible, we will be offering three cohorts for the book study: Tuesday afternoons from 4:30 - 6:00 pm; Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 pm; or Saturday mornings from 8:00 - 9:30 am. (See below for specific meeting dates.) Each month, all three groups will follow the same meeting format, with a virtual, synchronous, 90-minute call to discuss the current month’s book chapter. In between cohort meetings, participants will be asked to read a book chapter, respond to an online discussion board, and apply the ideas they are learning about in their own classroom.

Certificates of Attendance for Colorado Recertification credit hours will be issued to participants who attend all 10 monthly meetings. Additionally, university credit through Colorado State University will be offered for a fee, requiring attendance at all 10 meetings and additional assignments. CSU registration will be open before the start of the spring 2021 semester.


Click on the date to read more information in the calendar and to register for the session.

Month Topic Cohort A
Tuesdays, 4:30-6:00 pm
Cohort B
Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm
Cohort C
Saturdays, 8:00-9:30 am
September Chapter 1: Setting the Stage September 1 September 3 September 5
October Chapter 2: Establishing Goals to Focus Learning October 6 October 8 October 3
November Chapter 3: Implement Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving November 3 November 5 November 7
December Chapter 4: Procedural Fluency to Conceptual Understanding December 1 December 3 December 5
January Chapter 5: Pose Purposeful Questions January 12* January 14* January 9
February Chapter 6: Connect Mathematical Representations February 2 February 4 February 6
March Chapter 7: Meaningful Discourse March 2 March 4 March 6
April Chapter 8: Elicit and Use Evidence of Student Thinking April 6 April 8 April 3
May Chapter 9: Productive Struggle May 4 May 6 May 1
June Chapter 10: Pulling it All Together June 1


Q: Why should I participate in the Taking Action series book study?
A: The book study provides the opportunity to collaborate with and learn together with and from other math educators in Colorado and beyond. With a regularly scheduled time to meet and shared content for discussion, the book study will support you in making small changes in your instruction to better support student learning. The Taking Action books provide grade-band-specific information about implementing the eight Effective Teaching Practices from Principles to Actions, so the changes you’ll make are most likely to result in increased student learning. The book study will also weave in the themes of equity and support for virtual learning.

Q: Is there a registration fee to participate?
A: There is no registration fee to participate; all educators are welcome to join the sessions. However, CCTM membership is required to access the certificate of attendance, and a fee is required for participants seeking university credit from CSU for their participation.

Q: There are three cohorts. Does that mean I attend three meetings each month?
A: The three cohorts will all cover the same content each month, so you only need to choose ONE meeting per month. You are free to attend the same cohort day and time each month or switch it up based on your schedule. Due to this flexibility, however, you will be asked to register for each monthly meeting.

Q: What if I can’t make all of the meetings?
A: Feel free to participate in as many meetings as you can and skip the months where your schedule doesn’t allow participation. You will receive certificates of attendance for each session you complete. If you wish to earn university credit from CSU, you will be required to attend all 10 sessions.

Q: Can I participate even if I don’t want the credit or a certificate of attendance?
A: Absolutely! Feel free to attend when your schedule allows and skip when it doesn’t. We do encourage you to attend all of the sessions for the best experience.

Q: How do I get the book?
A: There are three Taking Action books, one for each grade band, K-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Please purchase the book most relevant to your setting. The books are available from NCTM. **We are waiting to see if we can get a discount code from NCTM.**

Q: How do I enroll for CSU credit?
A: Book study participants will have the option to earn university credit from CSU for participation in the year-long event. To earn credit you will register in December (information will be available no later than December 1) and pay the CSU registration fee. To earn this credit, participants must attend one session each month and complete approximately 15 hours of additional work during the year.

Q: Who should I contact if I have more questions?
A: Reach out to Joanie Funderburk, CCTM President, at [email protected] with any questions regarding the book study.